Same as previous years the early birds can assemble in the lower pony club paddock in an orderly fashion in rows facing the railway line. First row will be first in. Organisers have the right to remove ropes holding campsites. Official time to be let in is 6 p.m., however if the committee is ready to go we will try and let you in mid to late arvo. Stall holders and large sponsors will be allowed in during Wed to secure their sites.
If you are a recognised car club with lots of cars entered or a large group from the North Island and need help with required space call Craig 03 3478-388 and I will endeavor to help. I will wave my magic wand and give you % of what you demand. Just kidding but try not to be greedy.
Toilets … … there are almost 100 of them. The port-a-loos will be placed in groups of 4 on a main thoroughfare for easy servicing and less likely to damage vehicles. I walked it all out recently and I am sure that the majority of people will be no more than 100 metres away from one. I think this is reasonable as you are all prepared to walk 2-300 metres to the bar or live band venue. Two main shower blocks on site one behind the band venue ( had water problems last year but now sorted), another on the other side behind the concrete toilet block and for the brave under the grandstands are communal rugby shared showers divided into men and women. Working on water truck if we have to, we will use groups of children with water guns!
Please camp in a remotely human fashion, many have had site for decades so choose carefully or see Craig or Marty for help. Trailers to be parked in secure, locked at night, trailer park near burnout pad. Daily drivers (banned from camp area) and stall holders cars, park in lower ground designated areas near public car park. The Coldstream hedge line is designated for quieter campers.
Party animals try to camp away from the complainant’s housing. If in doubt ask
Marty, Roy or Craig they have the final word. We are proficient in “helping you to think” .
This event suits people who don’t go to bed by 10 p.m. The only ones that go to bed by 10 p.m. are under 10 years old and most of them don’t either. This event is family friendly and a safe place with “sketchy things thrown in around the edges”. We do not offer a remotely quiet sleeping environment as parties and fun are abundant at most camp sites and they are usually very welcoming. Know what you are getting yourself into as this may not be the event for you…. It does come with a reputation, No cry babies!!!. WE DO EXPECT COMPLETE QUIETNESS BETWEEN 2.00 a.m and 7.00 a.m! These few hours are precious to all of us, security operates 2417 and are capable of eviction
DOB IN A FREELOADER continues to be a popular game. You have paid why should they get a free ride, we don’t like parasites. If you hide a free loader your entire camp site will be evicted.
The band shed is licensed and has an outdoor area for smokers and food purchase. We don’t want to see you bringing in your own alcohol. No BYO in licensed areas.. Total glass ban around the venue. We have a limit on numbers so the easiest way is not to accept the ones that cause problems. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH… Jungle laws may prevail, poke the Lion, suffer the consequences.
Over the years I have supported the young Ones . Each year more and more younger’ ones attend (initiation). Give them support with the cars they love (BOGANS EXCLUDED) You old people were young once and most of you started with a very dubious first car (A30. Ford 10, Hillman etc). Do not heckle them unless they deserve it. We even have a great bunch of girls with their own cars as well. Remember that the import cars are very much part of our hobby. You may even be a parent (or grandparent) of one of them. They too are allowed to have fun but some are not aware where the line in the sand is. Marty, Roy and Craig can help them find it. Everyone gets one chance, but only one!
The Scenic Bus Trip is still $20 head payable on entry form and if any seats left any spare seats can be bought at rego. You will miss the Saturday burnouts and the fashion pageant. Buses leave 12 noon sharp , check the cars out in the morning as this is the big day.. Enter pageant Sat morning, no extra cost in concrete pavilion..• Burnout cars enter mid Sat.morning, scrutineering over at burnout pad.
Campground cruising is on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night only from 6p.m Noisy vehicles finish by 9.30 p.m all others finish by 10.30 p.m.. If rules are not followed or there is too much STUPIDISM I will “pull the plug” early. Rain will also get the same result. Wednesday night , set up night NO CRUISING same goes for Sunday night.Sunday night is a wind down night, a.privilege to stay on. Cruising is one direction only, please go the same way as everybody else. NO unnecessary vehicle movement during public show hours.. The camp area is a legal camping ground and I am the licensed camp manager. Campers keep your alcohol in your camp areas. No stock cars, trail bikes or go karts. Safe inventions of artistic importance are still welcomed. If I deem it is not in the spirit of the event then it will be relegated to your campsite. No alcohol in cars please and a a SOBER DRIVER!!!!!
Don’t Get Busted
Local police are very supportive and they will visit throughout the weekend and are very friendly and helpful. We needed to call them several times last year due to unnecessary incidents , this needs to stop. Most involved non entered freeloaders! Please respect the Police and our security guards, they are easy to get along with and help make the event run smoothly and ‘sort out the idiots’. They also try hard to protect your stuff and keep it all safe. They do have the power to evict and operate 24/7. Report your problem straight away, not two weeks later. If you need to, see Craig, Marty or Roy.